The #YesAllWomen movement got me thinking. It’s shocking and awesome and awful and you should go check it out if you haven’t […]
The #YesAllWomen movement got me thinking. It's shocking and awesome and awful and you should go check it out if you haven't yet. I have had my share of harassment and sexism. You don't get to age 24 as a blonde with DDs without plenty of that, I guess. I realized it wasn't until college that I was really aware or c [...]
I’m not even mad that our Quidditch match and meeting keep getting postponed, because we can just drag this group out longer […]
This is it! One last week! I can do it! Today my kids are reviewing for their final on Monday and I’m […]
Finally! My favorite book! Loved this one. I pretty much salivated when I saw how humongous it was. More pages = more […]
This morning at a red light I looked at a girl driving the car next to me. She looked about my age […]
Last Monday night we has our 3rd monthly HP meeting (it was supposed to be March, but I was moving and awful) […]
(Inspired by the episode of CNN Student News my kids watched today for Newsday Tuesday about a guy who got a letter from […]
Oh Honey. I’m writing this on behalf of your family, your friends, and your spouse. It pains me greatly to say this. […]
Our junior high has a pretty cool setup. A circle of 5 classrooms and a small conference room – called a pod […]
The other day one of my friends said she wanted to hear more about what I’m doing with my kids in class, […]