There is nothing quite like introducing the people you love to your baby. Seeing my mom and dad and Brooke and in-laws […]
There is nothing quite like introducing the people you love to your baby. Seeing my mom and dad and Brooke and in-laws and best friends meet my little Reester Bunny made me cry every single time.
This challenge was a breeze, because this is basically my mom-iform anytime I have to leave the house. Unless I can get […]
The Beard stood in the kitchen, unconcernedly checking baseball scores as he waited for me. As with this whole process, he wasn’t […]
+ Everyone thinks they deserve more credit for the jobs they do. And you know what? They probably do. + One day […]
When my cute friend Brooke invited me to participate in another one of these I couldn’t say yes fast enough. I love […]
As Danakin Skywalker, I would be remiss if I didn’t post SOMETHING today. You know I love Star Wars Day. Every year […]
These parties are THE BEST. I want to start throwing one every season. Our first one was about a year ago, the […]
I saw this on Pinterest and really liked it. Sure you can say “JUST BE YOURSELF DON’T TRY TO LIVE UP TO […]
At our Favorite Things party last week (post forthcoming) several different girlfriends commented on and complimented my appearance. **Sidebar** Every time you […]
I’ve always struggled with it. I can be kind. I can be patient. I can be friendly. I can be generous. But […]