I Did It! Kind of. I don’t know if you guys know this about me but I tend to shoot for the stars and overextend myself a little. The list of actually accomplished items is pretty different from the original list I dreamed up a year ago. And 29 year old Danica would probably be feeling perfectionist failure but a great thing is that at this point I’m just fine with my list. It’s ok that I didn’t hit some of the cool ones. I can just blame it on getting pregnant.
Completed 30 Before 30

You can see them all documented on Instagram here
- Make a Wreath from my Grandma’s Ornaments
- Sorcerer’s Stone
- Go to an MLB Game – Red Sox vs. Atheltics in Oakland
- Take a Trip to San Francisco
- Chamber of Secrets
- Paint a Black Wall
- Have a Star Wars Marathon
- Prisoner of Azkaban
- Reese Date
- Get a Cancer Screening
- Do a Skin Boss Consultation
- Goblet of Fire
- Loney Date
- Order of the Phoenix
- Social Media Cleanse
- Write my Personal History
- Half Blood Prince
- Grow an Herb Garden
- Cook my way through Cravings 2
- Take a trip with just my family – to Midway!
- Complete the Shelftember Challenge
- Find family names and do their Temple Work
- Do something impulsive – dye my hair irrresponsibly purple
- Take a Writing Class – James Patterson on Masterclass
- Deathly Hallows
- Host a Home Decor Swap
- Read the Book of Mormon in 30 Days
- Get off Zoloft
- Turn 30!!!
I’m so excited to be 30. So many people have told my that their 30s were incredible and their favorite decade. I just feel so much more secure and solid, and even though I know there will be curve balls and lots to learn, I am feeling equal to the task.
I WILL master the Instant Pot this decade, you guys.