If our life was “Friends” Sammy’s would be our “Central Perk.” If we were Zack and Kelly, Sammy’s would be “The Max.” Which is why you may see us on their Facebook, Instagram, even on their walls as you eat your delicious burger or grilled cheese with sweet potato fries.
Last week this photo was posted on their instagram account and it just brought back all the awesome memories we’ve had at Sammy’s. I’m being completely serious when I say 80% of our courtship (lolz) happened here.
Things that have happened while we were at Sammy’s include but are not limited to:
- The Beard got my digits for the first time
- Overhearing multiple couples DTR sitting in the booths outside on warm nights
- The Beard played many shows, one in particular with John Allred where he first played the song he wrote about me and my parents came to watch #bigstep x2
- $0.75 Grilled Cheese Mondays. Every Monday. Often with big group singalongs.
Can you see us? The Beard is second from the right on the bar, and I’m left of him with darkish hair and my hand over my face
- Our first road trip together up to Rexburg for The Beard to play the opening of the Rexburg location with the Truman Brothers.
- Engagement Photos
- A Billings Mustangs AAA Baseball player asked me to go back to his hotel room with him while The Beard was talking baseball with his teammate, 0% concerned or protective, as usual.
- We were the first ever Sammy’s-catered wedding reception! Sammy personally made all the delicious pie shakes our wedding guests loved!
We love you Sammy! Thanks for being our home base and helping us throw the best party ever.
For those of you who have never been to Sammy’s – DROP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND GO RIGHT NOW!!!! (Look for The Beard and I on the walls!) And if you’re planning a wedding definitely look into his catering because he was awesome.
One thought on “Sweet as Pie(shakes)!”
um, and also where you met ME! first date with devin at this joint. good ol’ sammy’s.