Hi there, The Beard here, and I’d like to take a few lines to wish Danica a Happy Birthday.
You might be wondering why there is another amazing Beard serenading you while you read this post. You see, that is kind of our song, and every time it comes on we stop fighting about who gets to control the radio and D gets all smiley and goes “Aaaawwwwwww. Its our soooooooooooong!” You know how she does.
If you read this blog on a regular basis, then I can only assume we agree on at least one point; That Danica is pretty awesome. You guys have no idea. I wake up every morning and I feel like this guy:

D and I are pretty real about our relationship. She sometimes mentions that we were pretty low-key (read: shady) for a while before we started dating seriously, and even then, I am not the jealous type, so sometimes my friends would hit on her in front of me and I would laugh it off because I love watching dudes hit on girls and strike out.

Anyways. The truth is, I’m crazy about her. When she decided to marry me I felt like these guys.

Even after all these years, she still surprises me every day. She is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I love her. I’ve said this before, but not since these two got together has a man married up so much.

Happy Birthday D! And may we celebrate many more together.
2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday D!”
That’s your song? No way! I love Iron and Wine. And that cover.
Awwwww RYAN! I knew there was a soft side under that beard. You guys are my favorite couple. Let’s have another late dinner at Cafe Rio to celebrate. Also, i’m impressed with the lack of sarcasm in this post. Nicely done.