First Trimester Probs

Ok this isn’t really a “probs.” Mostly just a quick recap of how I felt and what I did for the first trimester of pregnancy. Sorry gentlemen and anyone who doesn’t want to read about pregnancy. I’ll keep this classy and brief, and I’m not even mad if you just skip it. Don’t forget about my contract. That being said, people have asked me these general questions so I figured a post was in order.

I read seriously probably about 100 blog posts like this when I was thinking about and once I actually became pregnant. I’m a planner, y’all. I have about 15 different Evernotes detailing all the purchases, to do lists, tips, etc. that I could ever possibly need. Maybe this post will help you like the others helped me.

The best advice I’ve been given and that I will ever give any of you is that you gotta DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. Every woman is different. Every baby is different. I knew that maybe most of what I was reading and writing down wasn’t going to work for me. Still, it’s incredibly helpful for me to read as much as possible and then walk away with what feels right.

I am now 17 weeks and definitely feeling the difference of the second trimester. But I got a lot of questions about my first trimester and realized that it can be a little scary and lonely – especially if you are trying to keep it a secret! So here goes – how my first trimester went and how I survived. That sounds dramatic. How I… coped? How I… changed? How I… you get the idea.

The usual question was “How are you feeling?” I felt great! I wasn’t sick at all. Well I blacked out a little and threw up in a Costa Vida once but that honestly might be unrelated to pregnancy because it was over in less than 5 minutes and never happened again. I wasn’t nauseous at all. My stomach would get upset from time to time – but that was probably from all the french fries and fruit I was eating. Cravings? Maybe. Also a normal Danica thing. I was excited, my body & metabolism functioned normally, and I just got a little bigger. It was pretty easy to hide, I thought, for the most part. But.

I HAVE NEVER BEEN THAT TIRED IN MY LIFE. It was bizarre. I’d do nothing and still be exhausted. It took a long time for me to accept it. I felt pretty worthless and realized how much of my self-esteem is attached to what I can DO. I had to mentally stop beating myself up for having to take naps, or not getting all of my to do list done. Usually not even a 1/3 of it. Thank goodness for summer, because all I did was sleep and watch Netflix.

Other than being tired, I felt good. I would get nervous from time to time. The biggest thing was just the illusion – I didn’t think I was really pregnant. “Maybe the doctor made a mistake. Maybe they tested someone else’s pee at the OBGYN and my at-home test was faulty. Because I’m not sick. I can’t feel anything. I don’t have a bump. I’m just tired and lazy and getting fat.” I drove myself crazy with thoughts like that. I am pregnant, for the record, and it’s been pretty awesome despite the exhaustion and flab.

 First Trimester Loves

photo (13)At our friend Trent’s baby blessing around 12 weeks pregnant

Stretchy Pencil Skirts – I got a little “fluffier”and it was summer I just didn’t have the tolerance for any long pants or leggings or zippers or buttons that were even a little snug. These skirts stretch and breathe, but still look presentable. They’re super comfy and look great with graphic tees, button downs and blouses. A blouse-y loose top barely tucked in is still hiding my bump, even now that it’s starting to show in earnest at 17 weeks. (see above or my back to school photo – the bump is slightly recognizable, but not obvious. )


Lush Bath Bombs –  I love a good warm bath (NOT TOO HOT EVERYONE CALM DOWN I’M NOT CROCK POTTING MY BABY), and this luxury was worth it when I was sore, tired and feeling gross. These bath bombs recommended by my girl Katie Ashby are the real deal. They smell awesome, change colors, fizz, have magical properties… all around fantastic.


Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter – Buying into the probably bogus theory that this will help with stretch marks. At least my skin feels soft!


Juice – For the first couple months I didn’t really want Diet Coke. It was the worst, you guys. I really started to question my identity. (Don’t worry, I’m back on it now.) I was so tired and needed a pick-me-up quite often. Welch’s pineapple-orange was my nectar. Simply Lemonade w/ Raspberry was also great. The new Tropical Smoothie Cafe in Orem is a frequent drive-through spot for me. Sup, punchcard.

yoga – I’ve been trying to keep working out, but exhaustion made cardio kind of out of the question for the first few months. I continued lifting a few times a week and taking walks with Glen every day. Staying active is important to me, and I want to make sure I feel good in my body, even if it’s unrecognizable. I love yoga and knew I needed to get back into it for the physical, mental and spiritual benefits. I used a groupon to get the prenatal yoga package so I can do it at home on my own schedule. It’s been really great and makes me feel physically and mentally better when I’m done.

Eyelash Extensions – I fought this for a while. I have great eyelashes for a blonde and I knew that once I started I’d never be able to go back. But with the cruise and then back to school and then when the baby comes… it was just too nice and convenient to pass up any longer. My girl Chelsea does them and I think this is my life now. I just feel prettier and more put together, which some days felt like the only thing I could do with how gross and flabby and tired I felt.


Lavender Oil – I gave in and started using essential oils with my mother- and sister-in-law and I sleep so much better when I rub a few drops on my feet. I even put some in the dryer after I’ve washed my sheets. MMMmmmm.

Obviously, if you have any other questions or want to know more personal/gross stuff you are welcome to email/text/tweet me. I got yo back. Thanks again for all the awesome support you guys have given! Gender reveal (non-genital pic, obviously, you’re welcome) coming soon! 🙂

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3 thoughts on “First Trimester Probs”

  • 11 years ago

    Hey there friend! Remember me from back at Bonnie’s house? I can’t even remember when that was. . . I used Burt’s Bees butter on my belly all the time with my first baby and totally didn’t get stretch marks. (Sorry that’s a lie, but I want you to be hopeful! And maybe it will work for you!) Congrats on your baby, pregnancy is so much fun (when it’s someone else and not me) 🙂

  • 11 years ago

    I used a butter creme and ONLY got stretchmarks during LABOR!! But beware…I even got a few on my not-so-tiny-anymore breasts!!! I never had morning sickness either…I was just totally exhausted (that’s what happens when you are spending all your calories making a baby) and felt off (like you feel when you’re recovering from a cold).

  • 11 years ago

    soooo, no hot baths for pregnant women?! forget it, then.

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