First of all, I wanted to thank anyone who has emailed, facebooked or commented here about my blog! I am glad people are enjoying it. Continued questions and comments are appreciated. Also, I usually respond to every comment here on my blog, but for whatever reason it won’t let me leave comments while I’m here. So thanks to everyone who has commented! I read and appreciate those. They do not go unnoticed.
Despite how much we ate, I think we worked it all off at our first stop – St. Michael’s Mount. This was one of the coolest places we’ve been. Yeah. It’s on top of that mini-mountain. Luckily the tide was low so we could walk all the way across. And then all the way up.
First noted for it’s military strategic location, it’s use has always been coveted by political and economic leaders. The legend is that St. Michael appeared there in the 5th Century, so a chapel was built on the hill. Now owned by the St. Aubyn family, the chapel is now surrounded by a majestic castle and manor house. Incredible. Once again, my breath was stolen by the heavenly gardens.
Next, we drove out to the Lanhydrock House. First an abbey in the 13th Century, this manor house was built in the 1700s and was owned by the Robartes family. They were the richest family in the southwest quadrant of the island, and the decor certainly testifies of that. Did I see multiple tiger rugs? Like the ones in the movies with the mouths open and roaring with their coats spread out behind them? Yes. One can be seen here on the left hand side of the ENORMOUS billiard table. (Yeah, this house reminded me increasingly of Clue as we were walking through it.)
It was out of control. It made me want to have a ridiculously huge dinner party. With drinks and music in THIS garden afterwards. I want it.
Our final stop for the day was the Cotehele House. A Tudor-style manor house, it reflected the shift from military and basic living necessities to more decorative and extravagant details, especially gardens. Unfortunately, the house was closed so we just walked around the grounds. At this point everyone was pretty tired and ready to be home and shower (we’d been wading in the ocean twice, climbed quite a bit and not showered because we stayed in hostels), so we were quite goofy and bored here. We hung out in the gardens, took home a black currant seedling which we affectionately named “Dongle,” and then finally headed home. I wish I had taken more pictures, but since I didn’t take my laptop to dump my memory card to at the end of the day, I quickly filled up with 2 days worth of photos. At least I got some good ones. Showering was so nice when we got home. I don’t think my feet have ever been dirtier.
One thought on “Wales: Day 20 The Dawn Patrollers”
I want this breakfast. And that garden. Everything is beautiful.