On Generosity

Generosity has always mattered to me, and I’ve been lucky to have it modeled so clearly by my family of origin. As […]

Generosity has always mattered to me, and I've been lucky to have it modeled so clearly by my family of origin. As a kid, I knew that each holiday included a cookie-baking-and-decorating session that concluded with my mom driving us around to the homes of friends and family to doorbell ditch them with sweet, seasona [...]


On Responsibility

I value responsibility. Perhaps even before any parts of my personality crystallized in that nightmare brain of mine, responsibility was a certainty. […]

Great Values

Back in May, my therapist had me complete a values exercise. It was desperately needed, and felt like learning how to do […]

I Don’t Like Her

I flinched as the empty chair scraped across the floor, resting just close enough to be uncomfortable. “What age should I be […]