Happy Birthday Loney Raccoon! Today you are three and you are just so full of life. You live and love so big and so hard. I wondered, when you were born, if maybe our family had drained the personality well. Your dad and I have big, strong personalities, and then… well, we had Reese. I wondered if maybe you’d be inadvertently shunted to the sidelines, talked over, second fiddle.
At first you fell into the flexible sidekick role so perfectly. How were you even more chill than Reese? You slept 8 hours on your second night home. You loved being snuggled, but you actually preferred just being left alone to nap. You slept through entire splash pad dates when your sister needed to run wild. You were so patient if you had a wet diaper, if you were hungry, if it took me a minute to get you out of the car seat.

Even when you had RSV, one of the scariest episodes of my entire life, you were the sweetest, prettiest little thing. It was hard not to be obsessed with how PRETTY you were (and still are). The dark swoopy hair, always-rosy cheeks, doll eyes and lips, and how you got perfectly, deliciously chunky right on schedule.
I’m trying to not define you purely in relation to your big sister, but it’s hard. You’ve always been a heart-eyed emoji for her. She could get away with so much. There was a time where her favorite game was crash/bouncing on you on the couch and we’d freak out but you’d laugh and laugh and laugh. Reese would sneak into your room first thing in the mornings and you’d try to climb out to get to her, so eventually we just moved you guys in together. Currently you are her little echo and playmate – you repeat everything she says and does, but you also challenge and inspire her. It’s the most incredible thing to watch and I’m so proud of how you changed her.

At some point, I think around 18 months, you fully identified as a raccoon and there was no going back. Your face has been messy ever since. You would eat everything. You STILL aren’t above scrounging in our trash can. You double-fist absolutely everything from fried chicken to handfuls of crackers to rolls. You took a bite out of my deodorant??? You chewed on books???? Idk, Lone. I couldn’t explain why you were so destructive but you really made it your mission for a while there.
It also has to be said that you came to this earth with a complete and sophisticated sense of humor. You make your own jokes, get jokes your big sister doesn’t understand, and LOVE to laugh. You started proactively teasing your dad by like 2.5 years old, which is my favorite thing in the world. You are so freaking funny, Loney, and we just love to interact with you.
Loney, I love how quick you are to cheer for your big sister and others. I love how you include people. You are so warm and loving. I’m a little worried you’re gonna smother “baygul” with your classic tackle hugs when she gets here. But I am so happy she gets to have you as a big sister and I’m so excited to see you step into that role.

I’m sorry I’ve held onto you as my baby for so long. At this stage, Reese had already been a big sister for a whole year, so I was much better about boundaries and expectations and independence. I think I sometimes indulge you a little too much or expect too little of you, because you’re still my baby. And it’s not fair, because soon you won’t be and there will be enough growing pains without mom suddenly coming down harder on you about whining and crying and personal preferences.
I’ll make you a promise – we’re gonna figure this out together. At three you are speaking better than your sister (which is truly saying something because that kid nearly came out of the womb talking) and you’ve got the nurturing thing really figured out. We’re gonna get you some more of your own space and interests so that we can all be sure you don’t get lost in the shuffle.
Because Loney you are a crown jewel in this family. Each one of us absolutely needs you, and you have been a unique light in each of our lives. I vow now to walk this new path very closely with you as we figure out a new family dynamic. I couldn’t ask for a better sidekick.
Happy Birthday, Loney Raccoon, you little passion tornado.