My Most Binge-able True Crime Podcasts

I’ve had two friends ask me recently for binge podcast recommendations for their road trips and honestly it’s just shocking that I hadn’t already annoyed them with my texting and insta-story-ing about it. I am ready to DELIVER.

These are all true crime because that’s just what I prefer to binge. I think it’s really good for me, too. I spend a lot of time reading self-help, parenting, religious, mental health stuff and really focus on self improvement a lot. But true crime? All I have to do is sit back and not be a murderer.

I’ll rank these by MUST LISTEN down to IF IT SOUNDS GOOD TO YOU THEN LISTEN. I hope this makes your family reunion just a little bit better, or helps you get your bikini booty to the gym like it has for me.

Binge-able True Crime Podcasts

The O.G. – Serial Season One. Pass on seasons two and three, but the season one case on Adnan Syed took the world by storm and got me hooked. Adnan was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend and went to prison… but did he do it?

The Craziest – Dirty John. I have truly never been this captivated. This is a great one to listen to with your spouse or family on a long car ride. Without giving too much away, it’s about a con man and what he does to a California family.

The Local – Cold. You may think you know the story of Josh & Susan Powell, especially if you’re a Utahn. But you DON’T. Prepare to laugh while also being terrified.

The Buffet – Criminal is probably my all-time favorite podcast, just because it’s so solid. Each episode is a different story and Phoebe is a great storyteller/interviewer. These are perfect when you just want a random, quick episode here and there.

The Most Interesting – Bear Brook. There are so many things about this podcast that make it the most interesting – the science, the recent developments (last month!), the way pieces come together, the wild timelines. Four bodies were found in two barrels in Bear Brook State Park and they went unidentified and unsolved… until now.

The Awful – Root of Evil: The True Story of the Hodel Family and the Black Dahlia. Not for the faint of heart. This chronicles the most evil person I’ve ever heard of, and the lives he affected beyond just the Black Dahlia.

The Heartbreaker – Broken Harts. Pun intended, or whatever, but this story is so sad and important. Jen and Sarah Hart were white mothers who adopted 6 black kids out of foster care, but then end up driving off a cliff.

The Dark & Dramatic – Morbid. This has been my latest go-to and I love it. They cover the really bad, dark, violent, and heinous cases. They come prepared, and I love their humor and banter (language warning, though).

The Satisfying – Up and Vanished. This is the only one I’ve gotten Ryan to listen to, and we still quote the Private Investigator from it all the time lol. They dive into a cold case and stir up enough attention that they actually solve it!

The Straightforward – Generation Why and True Crime Garage. These two are my tried-and-true crime podcasts. Pairs of dudes covering true crime. They won’t turn your world upside down but you can always count on them.

I was not a fan of S-town, My Favorite Murder, Man in the Window, Dr. Death (it was ok), To Live and Die in L.A. was good for a bit but then I got bored, and same with Over My Dead Body. There are so many incredible podcasts out there, so I don’t waste a ton of time on something that’s not making me scream and text everyone I know.

I found several of these from my friends and from Instagram, so I will always keep crowdsourcing. I want to hear what your binge podcasts are! True crime preferred, but if you have a must-listen of any genre I need to know it. Hook me up!

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One thought on “My Most Binge-able True Crime Podcasts”

  • 6 years ago

    THANK YOU!!!

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