100 Days of 2017

100 Days of 2017

Today is great. Today is the day my Beard, my Ryan, my total rock was born. He’s proud to share his birthday with Bill Murray, Bilbo and Frodo Baggins. He’s also very proud to have his very own birthday song – September by Earth, Wind & Fire. Happy Birthday my soup snake!

In addition, as of today, we have 100 days left in 2017. 100 days is such a manageable unit of time in my brain. Enough time to really do something, but less intimidating or impossible than an entire calendar or school year. I still feel super fresh with the beginning of fall and the school year, and looking forward to the holiday season is just so much fun. There’s so much I want to do. So much I need to do!

Just like a 6 month check-in, the last 100 days of the year is a great time to face the music. If you’re anything like me you’re realizing “oh ok. I didn’t reach the weight loss goal. I did ok with my reading goal. I totally forgot about that one goal. I don’t even wanna do that other goal. And I still really want to accomplish that important goal!!” We still have time. We have 100 days of time.

How have I done with my word of 2017 – HOME? Pretty d*ng good actually. But I still have a lot to do with it in these next 100 days. So today I’m rededicating myself to the action plan (sometimes it’s an inaction plan – stay home more Danica!!!) to get to the place I want to be with HOME 2017.

How have I done with 3 books/month? Decent. I’m slightly behind, and read a bunch of stuff that felt like a waste of time. So for these last 100 days I’m going to read more, and read better. Good stuff. Uplifting stuff. Crazy, I-have-to-talk-to-everyone-about-it stuff.

How have I done with professional (?) goals? I taught my first online planning class and loved it so much. I taught my first YW planning class last week and I’m teaching a RS one next week! I quit one of my freelance jobs because I had too much work to do and wanted to make my peace and daughters a bigger priority, and for that I’m proud and happy. We’ve saved a ton of money and made smarter purchasing decisions (except Old Navy Super Cash). I daresay I feel like so much more of an adult/professional when it comes to freelance, finance, money in general.

How have I done with my health goals? It felt like I spent 2017 being constantly derailed for my physical goals. Sickness, injury, mental illness, work. But I’m finally losing weight, working on a consistent general diet, and getting back in the gym. I feel strong. I feel comfortable in my body. I wore non-maternity pants!!!!!! With Reese I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight in October at 8 months postpartum. I wanted to do it a month faster with Loney, but now I’ll just be proud and happy if I can lose these last 6 pounds by October 13th. Friday the 13th! That will be her 8 month mark and I’ll celebrate with a spooky movie and a bucket of popcorn. I also want to continue working on my mental health and self-care.

2017 has been so so so good. We have done so much! I am so proud of myself and my family. And I want to close the year out really strong. General Conference. Birthday. Fall Bucket List. Halloween. New House. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Possibly another Online Planning Class. Possibly a seasonal holiday planning class. Lots of books. Lots of outside play. Lots of planning and lots of couch time. Mostly I guess I just want to be intentional about these 100 days. I want to use them well. I want to take meaningful strides, and utilize refreshing recovery time.

100 days. 100 chances to move a little closer to the life I want to build. 2018 will be here before we know it!

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One thought on “100 Days of 2017”

  • 8 years ago

    Love this post! Don’t you think it’s the teacher in us that loves seeing the fall as a fresh start? The calendar year is winding down but we are just getting going! Can’t wait to hear what books you’ve got lined up for this season.

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