July 2017 GBOMB

July 2017 GBOMB

WTF July like W.T.F. Honestly where did it go. I feel like this sometimes, when life is just fast. But rarely do I look back and think “I can’t even place most of the days???” It was a crazy month. We went so hard, and then took lots of down days to compensate for going so hard. I think July might have been my busiest freelance month on record, we made lots of fun plans with friends and family, and took several date nights instead of our regular 1/month. Oh and Danica’s Planning Class is ON!!! Check back here Tuesday for info and signup, but I spent a ton of this month laying things out and creating the content. It was bzybzy.

I felt soft this month, in more ways than one. At the end of June I found myself being constantly scared or hurt or irritated by things I was reading online, so I decided it was time to take a social media break. I deleted everything but snapchat off my phone for our Idaho vacation, which was so so nice. I felt peaceful and refreshed. I was surprised to find upon return that I didn’t miss anything but Instagram so I just downloaded Instagram. I logged into Facebook and Twitter periodically on my computer, but literally each time I would almost immediately see something that made me angry or sad or anxious or confused. So I stayed away. The break lasted nearly the whole month, and when I came back completely this week it was happily, with a fast “unfollow” finger. I needed that, and it lent a lot of perspective to things. I can’t imagine how much busier and stressful the month would have been had I added my usual social media presence to it. Sometimes you just need a break and to remind yourself just how dumb social media is, so it can be fun again.


  • We celebrated 6 years with a Park City date and a lot of reflection. Thanks for all the kind comments and messages on Tuesday’s post. I always feel so vulnerable admitting that we argue or that we have to work really hard at our marriage, but then I’m reminded by people who know and love me that all the online gushiness and perfection of other couples isn’t always reality, and that honesty counts. We’re doing great and the best we’ve ever done. I’m so proud and happy with my marriage at this point, and it feels awesome to say it. So imma keep saying it!
  • Our Idaho trip was SO FUN. We’re usually off to St. George or Disneyland when we vacation, but it was so worth it to break out and try something new. The great outdoors are totally healing and therapeutic, and I forget that.
  • Game of Thrones returned! HMU if you’re as worried about Sansa Stark as I am.
  • I’ve been reading great books and actually attended my book club meeting this month. Always makes a difference in my mental health.
  • So many playdates! We went to the splash pad, Coconut Cove, our friend’s pool, several friend’s houses, the park, played in a dumb tiny inflatable pool in our backyard, just lots of play.
  • Reese officially has her 1-10 and ABCs down. She occasionally switches between them or skips a few, but she can do it. Just don’t ask her directly because, you know, she’s two and that’s impossible to perform on command. But start saying “A… B…” as you walk away from her and she’ll rattle off the entire alphabet as long as you’re not watching. LOL
  • Eating Out Challenge – my girlfriend Jess did a “No Eating Out June” and it was so impressive to watch (read more about it here). I couldn’t stop thinking about it, so I decided to give it a try. I couldn’t go quite that hard core but together me and Ryan decided we’d not eat out alone or just the two of us (our anniversary an obvious exception). This meant no last minute burritos because we didn’t want to cook dinner, no Sodalicious runs, no random french fry needs. We could still eat out – but socially, which we prefer anyway! Basically I packed snacks for playdates and filled up my Yeti with DC at home before errands. I planned meals and cooked like 3-4x a week, which is BIG for me y’all. We cheated a few times, but stuck to it for the most part. It was really really great for us. I didn’t critically analyze our budget but I know we spent less on eating out and groceries simultaneously somehow. It’s crazy.
  • Biggest Freelance month yet! I spent a LOT of time working this month and there was quite a bit of stress, but I made the conscious decision to place this in the “Good” section because I feel really blessed to have the work I have and to have made progress toward some big financial goals we have.
  • I’m seeing Mamma Mia at the Tuacahn this weekend!!!!!!!!
  • We moved Loney up to 6 month sizes! So many cute new outfits and Reese’s beloved outfits to dress her in!


  • We moved Loney up to 6 month sizes! So many cute beloved outfits I had to pack up. And facing the reality that she’s getting so much bigger and older is hard. Trying to take snuggles when I can get them.
  • I realized with the help of my SIL who babysat her that Loney will sleep HOURS long naps in the day if she’s just somewhere quiet and dark. She is on the go with us constantly, catnapping in the Mamaroo with Moana blasting right beside her, in the car or stroller, in my bed while I shower. I love that she’s flexible, but I did feel like a bad mom realizing that she was ready for more structured nap time – and probably needed it. I’m trying to get her better nap time each day, and it’s already paying off with more guilt-free Reese time, work time, and an even happier Loney. Wish I wasn’t such a dummy and figured it out earlier. She’s just not a newborn anymore. 🙁
  • I spent a lot of time in doctor’s offices this month. Eye doctor for a new prescription – I’m blind! My back went out on me TWICE this last month and is a freaking painful mess, so I had doctor’s appointments, an X-ray AND an MRI. Still waiting on the results.
  • I’ve never felt “crippled” with anxiety before, or let it actually change how I live, but I did this month. Don’t like that.
  • Because of my back I literally have not exercised a single day in over a month and I’m physically itching to get back in the gym. Hopefully August brings solutions and lots of sweat.

On My Brain

  • I have so many thoughts and opinions about social media, particularly Twitter, after taking my break. I think they’d all come off self-righteous and pretentious, but essentially I landed at… it’s really dumb so everyone should stop taking it as seriously as they do. Including me. It’s fun. It’s great. It’s helpful. But it’s dumb and we should treat it as something fun and dumb.
  • My friend posted this website that compares kid’s sizes at different stores. It was a super frustrating thing to learn that the sizing is basically totally random when it comes to babies and kids, so this was cool to play around with!
  • “Should police be allowed to shame suspects on Facebook?” I have read this article several times and done a lot of thinking about it. For the most part I land on “yes” with some caveats. I personally love the Orem PD Facebook page. I like reading about what’s going on in my city, but without a little bit of humor it could get scary. I think Tattletale Tuesday is brilliant, and police should be entitled to whatever help they can get from the public to make their jobs easier and to keep us safer. I think Orem PD does a really good job of balancing funny/snarky/serious. That being said, what if the suspects are innocent? Putting something online makes it kind of semi permanent. Innocent until proven guilty is such an important right in our justice system. We have to leave it up to the PD PR and hope that they’re smart and considerate, I guess.
  • Am I crazy for putting Reese in preschool this fall? She’ll only be 2.5 and maybe that makes me one of those overachieving, push-too-hard moms. Maybe I should have just chilled out and done our own thing until next year. Maybe I’ll regret spending the money on preschool that she doesn’t need. But at the same time I’m so excited and the school is so cute and I’m hopeful that it will set a good precedent and expectation that school is important. It’s one of my core values, so it’s hard for me NOT to integrate it asap as possible.
  • We always spend our anniversary dinner talking about where we were last year, and where we think we’ll be next year. If I continue on the “baby-every-other-year” route, which I’ve really loved so far, I could be pregnant next summer. Ryan doesn’t love to talk or think about that stuff, so he’s more in the camp of “I’m happy with the kids we have right now.” I’m a planner, yo. I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about when we might have another baby, what that timeline looks like, what I want to accomplish before baby #3… It’s on my brain!
  • Do you set “rules” about how often you post on social media? After my break I found myself wanting to post more or telling myself I shouldn’t post until tomorrow or weird, ambiguous rules like that. As a planner I love rules and schedules – post once a day. Post 3x a week. But I also think that creates a dependence/obligation. Idk it’s just something I’ve been thinking about and noticing.

August, you minx. You always show up and make everyone panic with how quickly summer is slipping by. I’ll have 3 weeks before Reese’s “school” begins, and hopefully my back stuff will be resolved so we can swim or splash pad every day, work out a bunch, enjoy the great outdoors, and finally uncover what TF happened on this season of Bachelor in Paradise.

No one ask me how much time I’ve been spending scrolling through my fall pinboards. I’m trying to not be ~that guy. But I totally am ~that guy. August will be all about living up the summer before it fades, so let’s go live it.

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3 thoughts on “July 2017 GBOMB”

  • 8 years ago

    July was an awesome Kick A** month for us financially too because of me being hired by VIPKid…we had been praying for a financial situation and this happened thanks to my SIL…we are so grateful and I love it so much. I wish I could put Rhys in preschool this fall–he is so smart and DESERVES to go…but we simply can’t afford it…so, I’m still “teaching” him a bit on my own, but we also got a subscription to ABC Mouse which actually has a very structured program from Preschool up to 2nd grade. He loves it. Anxiety sucks. My depression has gotten worse and better at the same time…it’s weird. My mood is better but it’s affecting me physically…I want to sleep a whole heck of a lot more than I used to, and during the day! But, I’m happier and more content.
    I hope your back issues are figured out soon!

    • 8 years ago

      Yes congrats about VIPKid! And do not worry one bit about Rhys not going to preschool – it’s still so early and it might be too early, but mostly I figured I’m already paying a babysitter so I can work… might as well pay for preschool to be the babysitter! I hope your depression and anxiety keeps improving! Text me if you ever need anything!

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