Planning Swag + Q&A

Planning Swag + Q&A

It has been a busy week since announcing the planning class! I’ve had a lot of questions, done a lot of fun shopping for the Swag Bags, and wanted to share more with you guys. (I’ll be on Facebook Live this afternoon as well – read on!)


I can’t come on November 30! Will you do it again?

Yes! Hopefully! As long as people want to! I’d like to do another before Baby Holdy comes, and several people have asked for a Saturday session to make travel/babysitting/life easier which I think is totally do-able.

I’m not in Utah/I don’t like having to attend stuff. Can you go live or share as an e-course?

Yes! I’ll actually be going live on my Facebook this afternoon to share some deep feelings about Washi Tape and how I use it, and I’d like to do that in more frequent snippets. Never done it before, but how bad can it be? I used to do 20 minute long snap stories about the Bachelor so this HAS to be better than that right?

I started designing all the worksheets for the e-course this past week as well! I’m hoping to test out my “curriculum” with the 11/30 class and then film the e-course (goal is to have it up before the New Year, to help with resolutions and all). Everyone who attends the 11/30 class will get the worksheets and access to the electronic files included in their ticket.

What if I already have a planner I use? or What if I don’t even have a planner?

Fear not! I do not intend to overthrow your current planner or system, nor do I expect you adopt mine. I’m crazy. I’m mostly going to talk about WHY you should plan with tons of ideas of how to get started or how to create your own system. You could take this class even if you just planned on using Google Calendar and Siri reminders.

What am I gonna get?

“SWAGGGGGGGGG. Stuff We All Get!” – Michael Scott. I have been accumulating so much awesome stuff for the swag bags over the past few weeks! Everyone will get a bag with the planning pages and worksheets, a pencil, my favorite planner pen, flags, a roll of printed Washi tape, post-its and a custom planning sticker set from our sponsor – Holladay Plans – which will include this adorable Christmas Countdown!

planning stickers

And, let’s be real, I can’t stop buying cute things I see so I’ll probably add more to the swag bags in the next 2 weeks. I also have a variety of door prizes that include planners, calendars, sticker sets, and accessories. We’ll do a drawing for those! Word on the street is there will also be treats.

{If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor the class by offering swag/products let me know!!!}

Are tickets still available? How much are they? When is the class?

Yes! The class is 2 weeks from today and there are still some tickets available. Invite a friend to join you – everything is more fun with friends. You can find the details and purchase tickets right here or on the event page on Eventbrite.


If you haven’t yet filled out this Google form, please do! Even if you don’t plan on attending the class, I’m using the survey to gauge interest on different planning topics and to see what kinds of things I could share here on the blog, on Facebook Live, or in the e-course.

Thanks, all! I’m so excited! I’ll be seeing some of you in two weeks in class!!

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