Hi September!

september I’m so happy to see you. August dragged me around and stood in my way a lot, but I still got a lot of stuff done despite it’s best efforts. We spent a lot of time outside, went to the Owlz game and Disneyland, cleaned the house, read books, and watched a lot of Bachelor in Paradise. Unfortunately I didn’t work out AT ALL and didn’t get around to my home projects, so that’s a big focus for this month.


I’m very excited about the temperature starting to (slowly) decline. I’m excited about the flannels in the stores and pumpkin decorations in the displays. I’m excited about the upcoming General Conference, Chalk the Block, and about a billion family & friend birthdays that September has to offer. I’m excited that August was such a great month for me spiritually, and want to keep that going. I’m excited that a nesting instinct is making it easy for me to plan and tackle projects (me and my angel best friend finally crushed my pantry disaster last week!).


September I am just excited about you!

Here’s what we’re gonna do, if you’re on board, September:

  • Celebrate the Beard’s 30th birthday!!! A big one!
  • Celebrate a billion other birthdays (my MIL + FIL, my brother, our best friend Brad, my girl Melissa, my bestie’s boy Finn)
  • Read at least 3 books (So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, How May We Hate You, and Devil in the White City are my minimum goals)
  • Have a Tucanos + Temple date, just me and the Beard!
  • Get back to the gym! I plan to very slowly build back up my endurance with walking, yoga, and lifting. I would love to be in a Zumba class by the end of the month.
  • Read the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up (maybe Spark Joy too) and start decluttering everything. I mean everything.
  • Go through all of Reese’s stuff and determine what, if anything, we’ll need for Baby Girl #2
  • Create really good, balanced content for this blog. I am trying to stick to one mom/pregnancy/baby post a week and have a good variety of other content.
  • Barbecue for football games with our friends & family every week!
  • Plan a great “Pep Rally” for Harry Potter Book Club!
  • Read all of October 2015 Conference talks to prepare for General Conference
  • Watch the General Women’s meeting with some of my favorite ladies
  • Start eating pumpkin everything and not giving a d*rn what anyone else thinks about it

Yay! Let’s do this September!

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One thought on “Hi September!”

  • 8 years ago

    It’s still in the 90s, here! We just went through all of Rhys’s old clothes, packing them in space bags to make more room in our little apartment, and we were able to pull some neutral colored/gender neutral clothes out for Evelyn. We also pulled out all his old swaddles and washclothes and burpclothes…I don’t care if they aren’t pink and ruffly…they do their job.

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