Survey Appreciation


Enjoy this outtake of our Independence Day photos

Thank you all so much for completing the survey I posted last week. I basically just needed a reminder of all of those things. I was feeling burnt out, tired of forcing blog posts that I was certain no one liked, and wondering what in the world I should write about.

I’ve never wanted to be a blogger who only posted what was popular or copied everything that everyone else was doing. But sometimes it’s hard to know if the stuff that’s interesting to me is appropriate or helpful or cool or good enough to post on a blog. Unedited, unfiltered life is not for the internet, in my opinion. Finding that balance of real and worthy is sometimes more effort than I’m willing to exert.

It was A. So so helpful and heartwarming to read the friendly and compassionate compliments from you guys. I just love you so much. and B. the ideas you gave me were so awesome. Honestly most of the suggestions were things I have thought about writing in the past, or things I wanted to tackle I just couldn’t figure the right angle.

Most often I think “I can’t constantly post about the Stay At Home Mom life.” or “No one cares about my opinions; they’ll just write mean anonymous comments again… not worth it.” It was great to hear that actually I *CAN* post about weird mom stuff or my hot takes. The mean comments hurt and took me by complete surprise, but I also need to get over them and remember that cowards are pathetic and you people are 100 emoji. I choose you.

I’m gonna drop the MMM posts – I hated them and once I saw that you guys didn’t love them either? Bye Felicia. The idea of an advice column is so exciting to me. And obviously I am on board for sharing every single beauty product I’m into. I really want to get better at YouTube because it’s just so much fun. I’m still gonna shoot for 3x a week, but it’s good to know that the world won’t end if I don’t hit it. Keep suggestions and ideas coming, because you guys are crushing it.

Honestly, you guys? Thank you so much. I feel refreshed and rejuvenated. I have some great ideas lined up, and I’m working on a redesign/revamp. It’s exciting up in my blogosphere! I love you all and can’t wait to share it with you. You’re all my soup snakes.

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2 thoughts on “Survey Appreciation”

  • 9 years ago

    I’m always game to read whatever you’re writing! I do miss me some always, sometimes, never posts — love those!

  • 9 years ago

    I love your blog because you have such strong voice! I missed the survey, but one thing I’d love to hear about is how you find and freelance write as a mom. I’ve heard you mention it here and there but would love to hear a detailed post about it.

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