Halfway Queen

Someone casually mentioned the other day that she was doing well with her goals for the first half of 2016. At first I was like “Good for you girl.” and then I was like “OMG IT’S HALFWAY THROUGH 2016.”

Like most Americans I basically forgot my Resolutions by March, especially when I got hit with the thyroid hurricane and Reese became a walking hurricane. I tried to remember my Word of 2016 (QUEEN), but I definitely didn’t internalize it as much as I hoped to. I printed it out and even got a frame for it and ask me if I ever hung it (I didn’t).

I did, however, take a minute to assess where I am in 2016. In January I was struggling. A lot. Some postpartum anxiety/insomnia, undiagnosed hypothyroidism, irregular dieting and exercise, and private internal struggles had left me feeling a little lost. I had very high hopes for this new year and getting myself back on top. How am I doing? Where am I at? Have I been staying up on my resolutions?

Read 3 Books a Month —> So far so good! And I have been really loving this resolution. It’s keeping me motivated, refreshed, and overall inspired. I am, at my very core, a reader. So if I’m not spending a significant part of my time reading then I just don’t feel ~right. This resolution makes me a better person and more Danica person.

Blog 3x a Month —> I have skipped a couple of posts, including the week I was in Disneyland, but otherwise I have been doing a really good job. I’ve talked about how I am not sure I want to continue. I felt that I hit a blogger’s block this month, but after my survey I’m amped up again and have tons of ideas. I’ll keep going. But if I hit another blogger’s block I’ll feel ok if I need to drop to 1-2x a week. I’ve been crushing it for 6 months!


Eliminate Negativity —> This one is hard to quantify, but I feel I’ve taken some good steps. I’ve slowly gathered my tribe closer, restructuring priorities and social tiers, unfollowing accounts, and barely reading any blogs anymore. I’m definitely better at recognizing how people make me feel, and what I am getting out of the relationships in my life. Putting myself in my mom jeans has helped, because when you realize that the people and vibes and issues in YOUR life will also be part of HER life? I think we all subject ourselves to things that we don’t want for our children. And we shouldn’t!

Drink more water —> Meh. Idk. Maybe? I try to keep a water bottle by my bed every night, and my tumblers filled on my desk while I work.

Reese’s Schedule —> We haven’t done anything concrete or monumental here, but we have made an effort to get her in bed earlier and be home for more naps. Her naps are precious these days since home in her crib = 2+ hours and naps in the car = 30 minutes max.

Lose 10 Pounds —> I got 3 pounds away!!!! And then gained a few back. But the one thing that is making me feel really good is that I have stayed below my pre-pregnancy weight. Not by much. But still.

Recommit to my calling & scripture study —> I’ve started doing scripture study every morning right when I wake up, before Reese is up and running. That has helped a lot. I’ve read gospel books, followed devotional study challenges, and read conference talks to break out of the boredom that can come from just reading straight scripture. I asked to be released from my calling in January and FINALLY got released 2 weeks ago LOL. Now I have a new calling which I am very excited about and ready to crush. It feels good.

These resolutions were great and helpful, and it was good to be reminded of them. But honestly the best thing for me was finally reading Mindy Kaling’s book “Why Not Me?” for Bon’s Book Club. I love her. At one point in her book she talks about what it means to be “kinda famous.” She says she has to refrain from saying racist or insensitive jokes. She has to look decent in public. She has to look happy, even when she isn’t. She can’t stiff people on tips, cut off people in traffic, or act unprofessionally even if she is having the worst day of her life. She also knows that she *is* somebody for young girls, minorities, and fans worldwide. It inspires her to be the best version of herself as much as possible – for them.

I wish I had always acted like I was a little bit famous. – Mindy Kaling

I loved this SO MUCH. That’s what it means to be a Queen. That’s what I want to do for the next 6 months of 2016. I want to act like I’m just a little bit famous. We all act a little better, a little cleaner, slightly more sparkly, when we know we’re being watched.

I’ve only been “recognized” by someone I didn’t know a handful of times, but every single time it’s both shocking and so much fun. It’s always like “oh geez are they disappointed in what I’m wearing? Did I have RBF or look happy and welcoming? Does Reese have baby food on her face? On my face? Did I live up to expectations?” It’s really good for me. Days afterward I’m so much more conscious of my actions, and trying to be a better person.

So try it with me. Act like you’re a little bit famous. Not Angelina Jolie-can’t leave the house-have your own stalkers-famous. But Get recognized at the grocery store-paparazzi outfit photos-have your own “brand”-famous. Live like people will know who you are and notice the things that you do. It’s a direct way to shave off the more unpleasant parts of your personality and work on some of the faults that you wish you didn’t have.

For the next 6 months I’m going to pretend I’m just a little bit famous. Act like fake royalty. Visualize a Office-style documentary crew following me around as I drink Diet Coke and go to Target. It’s gonna mean fewer McDonald’s runs and road rage, probably. But sometimes you have to sacrifice things to be a Queen.

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2 thoughts on “Halfway Queen”

  • […] talked about this in my last blog post but just the idea that we have to act a little bit better when people are watching us and […]

  • 9 years ago

    Way to recommit to your year long resolutions! The past few months have been excruciatingly hard for me for numerous reasons–and you know why. But, by the end of this month, everything will be settled, back in a routine, and I’ll be in Texas in my own domain again and will be able to crush the rest of the year!

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