How We Wore It // August Indiana Jones






Here’s how I choose my outfits in the summertime:

1. Is it too hot for pants?

2. Did I forget to shave my legs/do they look pasty white?

The answer to both of these is usually YES so it’s been maxi city up in here.

Oh and Danica? Have you washed your hair this week? NOPE. Ok hat it is then. Even if The Beard calls me Indiana Jones every time I wear it. Really I just take it as a compliment.


I am super excited to be participating in the How We Wore It challenge again for August because as I’ve said before – it makes me get dressed. This one was a little harder for me. But not that hard because olive green is one of my go-to colors. Cream on the other hand… not really my jam. The inspiration photo via Gal Meets Glam, though, looks casual and cute, but nothing I would put together and wear myself (and not just because those shorts give me anxiety).


I latched onto the olive green, dug around for a cream shirt in my closet and threw on a hat VOILA.  Not even close to her outfit. Another fun thing about this look is that my daughter is 6 months old but I still look pregnant so that’s cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Accessories are kind of the first to go with a little grabby baby because those hands will find anything and yank it. ESPECIALLY if it’s sparkly which, let’s be honest, it should be. I got this BEAUTIFUL geode necklace from ILY Couture and I love it so much because I used to go “geode hunting” in the desert with my grandma and grandpa when I was younger. Plus it adds to the Indiana Jones aesthetic I’m going for.


And the best part! Reese! She was unimpressed as you can see. Well I got news for you, Reese. I’ll be coordinating our outfits for as long as humanly possible.


That “Yeah, right, ok mom.” face is 100% Christopher Ryan Holdaway. 

The Beard took these outfit photos and he DIDN’T EVEN GRUMBLE ONCE. I know. I set up a doctor’s appointment immediately because obviously something’s off. But he did a great job and this picture is honestly one of my favorites of all time. I just love that little bb.

Is it just me or have outfit blogs taken a pretty severe turn for the worst?? All of my favorite outfit bloggers for the past several years are either getting into really weird looks or are only wearing super expensive/exclusively sponsored clothing. Booooo. That’s why I LOVE this challenge, because we’re normal. Check out how these ladies styled this look, because they’re cool, average girls with stuff you can afford or maybe even have in your closet! I love comparing the interpretations and getting new outfit ideas. May this collaboration live on forever.

Brooke at Silver Lining
Deidre at Deidre Emme
Jana at Bouvardian
Alexa at He and I
Aubrey at Aubrey Zaruba
Rachel at Rachel Sayumi
Sharlee at My New Lines
Emma at Ever Emma
Kyla at FordOlogy
Kalyn at Geez Louise
Bonnie at Life of Bon

Brooke at Silver Linings runs this outfit linkup so check out her blog to sign up and participate in the next one! It’s a great way to find new blogs, get outfit ideas and get out of a style rut! Home run.

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5 thoughts on “How We Wore It // August Indiana Jones”

  • 10 years ago

    Tied up top is the only way to go! Love the maxi skirt. You look fab.

  • 10 years ago

    Twins with the tied-up top! Seriously in every Insta picture I see, I’m like, “She look so thin! GAH! I gotta get on that!”

    You’re rockin’ it. I love it. The end.

  • 10 years ago

    You look amazing! And HECK NO you DON’T look pregnant! I love your skirt!

  • 10 years ago

    love love your take on the outfit. and i especially love the added humor to the post.

  • 10 years ago

    I love your hat! Indiana Jones. That’s totally something my husband would say about it haha. I really don’t consider myself that trendy but sometimes my husband just doesn’t dig my fashion LOL.

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