

Last Sunday we blessed Reese. Which is kind of a weird thing. It’s not *technically* an ordinance. And there’s not really a specific way to do it, other than you identify their name which will go on the records of the church and then “bless” them with stuff and then end in the name of the Savior. Can you just say whatever you want? Could you bless them to grow 8 feet tall? Idk. I guess you could. But sorry, Reese. You’re probably gonna take after your mom and be on the short edge of average.

baby blessing

{Yes this is the incredible 80s blessing dress that both me and my sister wore. Reese was a super fan of all the floaty layers. She smiled and flipped it around and giggled the whole time she wore it! LOLZ}

Me in December 1989 (2 months)


Reese in July 2015 (5 months)

The Beard did an amazing job. He blessed her with a quick mind, a kind heart and a brave spirit. He also blessed her to be baptized, develop a testimony, get an education, to be married in the temple and to see others as Heavenly Father sees them. It was beautiful and I cried through the entire thing. Reese grunted a little. In approval, I think.



My family minus The Beard who had to teach his Sunday School class

We waited until she was 5 months old so that my brother Mitch could participate. I’m so glad we did. Mitch missed out on the entire pregnancy, birth and 5 months of her growth and development and pooping. But he didn’t miss out on this special day. I’m also glad we waited because I feel like we KNOW her better and the blessing made a little more sense.

How do you know what to bless your child with in an open-ended, non-specific christening prayer? The Beard and I talked about what was REALLY important, and I know he felt the spirit and said some of the prayer straight from revelation. But if time wasn’t a factor, and if we KNEW that the “blessings” were real things we could bestow… What would we bless her with?

+ The maturity to know she isn’t in love in high school

+ To get her heart broken in high school anyway

+ A non-picky palate

+ A great head of hair

+ The confidence to sing in the shower. And the car. And when she doesn’t know the words.

+ Not a single food allergy

+ A healthy appreciation for America’s pastime. And America.

+ Her dad’s musical ability

+ Her mom’s ability to obsess and fangirl

+ A tolerance for at least one vegetable

+ Resiliency

+ The ability to spot a douchebag by Date #3

+ A love of pranks but not rebellion

+ To never call her teacher “mom” or her mom “teacher”

+ The ability to sleep in

+ A voracious appetite for books

+ An appreciation of her appearance without being defined by it

+ To rise above the appeal of reality tv

+ One (1) broken bone, maximum

+ A lifelong, awesome, loyal best friend

+ A stupid friend who makes all the wrong decisions for her to learn from

+ To never see the end of the Star Wars series

+ The knowledge that her parents aren’t perfect, but are trying their hardest

+ A love of planners, post-its, and all things office supply

+ The ability to define and achieve her own happiness

+ Above all things, the knowledge that she is loved. By her parents. By her family. And by a man who suffered for her sins, and died that she may live. With us. Forever.


We love you so much Reese. May all these blessings and more be bestowed upon your sweet giant hairless head forevermore. <3

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4 thoughts on “#Blessed”

  • 10 years ago

    Freak. Way to start my day out with tears! That was really the greatest list

  • 10 years ago

    So sweet!! You two look at alike as babies. She’s gonna be a little hottie like you!! Also I love your outfit, especially the red shoes. Killing it!

  • 10 years ago

    adorable babies (both of you!) — in the next life i’m going to ask God for a good head of hair!

  • […] Part of me wondered if this blessing would be as good as Reese’s was, since we knew Reese for 2 months longer before we blessed her. Thankfully, it’s not really about knowing them – it’s that their Father in Heaven knows them, much better than even I will. Ryan was full of emotion and it was clear that he was being prompted by the Spirit to say some of the things that stood out as unique to Malone, and were different than Reese’s blessing. (My post about Reese’s blessing here.) […]

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