The Explanation You’ve All Been Waiting For

Yes! It really is true – some people still can’t believe it. The Holdaway’s are cookin a kid. Sorry if the baseball theme made you assume it’s a boy – we don’t know the gender quite yet, but will soon! – we just love baseball. And making it baseball-themed was about the only way I could get The Beard to take some pics for me.

We are super excited and it’s been so hard to keep the secret! And not just because there’s some extra poundage on me.


And if one more person has the absolute gall to ask me if it was “on purpose or an accident” or tell me I was looking bigger (YEP. HAS HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE.) I swear to Thor himself I’m gonna set myself on fire.

I know, I know. I’ve been so adamantly opposed to this for a long time; it’s only natural for you to wonder. But it shouldn’t be natural for you to ask unless you know me well enough to know my birthday without the assistance of Facebook. And even then.

Why is it ok for people to ask me if I purposely planned to bring a child into the world or if it was an accident? – as if that’s

a. Your business

b. A key indicator that I’m going to be a good/bad mom

c. Going to make a difference in how you treat me or my baby

I’ll save you some time and embarrassment – It was on purpose. Now we all feel awkward.

“But Danica! You hate kids and babies!” Oh I’m still terrified. It’s still not natural for me to hold a baby or change a diaper. But we’ll figure it out.



No one should be surprised I am announcing my pregnancy with Diet Coke. 

Christmas was a big turning point. Ryan finished his program, was on the cusp of his new awesome job and things were just going really well for us. But somehow Christmas was just kind of “meh.” At first I blamed it on my brother being gone. Actually it was just boredom. This was our 4th Christmas we’d spent together and we’d just done it all. Weirdly we found ourselves saying things like “oh when we have kids we should do _____” or “I think a fun family tradition would be if we…”

2014 dawned with so much potential and hope. For once we seemed to have things figured out. A few months later The Beard was killing it at work and we found the perfect place to live in Orem. Though the commute wasn’t great, we just felt really REALLY good about it. And that’s when he said it, seemingly out of nowhere.

I just really feel like everything’s coming up Milhouse for us. I think we’re ready to have a baby. That little troublemaker Apollo wants to come live with us.

How can you not just love that?

And even when we were trying I kept up the semi-farce. I am still scared. I still don’t go to jello at the sight of babies. But I also really wanted this to be OUR thing. OUR choice. No pressure. No judgment. No outside involvement. Plus being snarky and aloof is kind of my resting state.

Anyways here we are. Super pumped and not at all ready to meet Baby Holdy around February 5th, 2015. 🙂

Seriously, though. Thank you for your kind words and support! This whole thing has been pretty fun and next to my mom’s screaming, my mother-in-law nearly tackling me and my aunt scaring an entire restaurant the excited/shocked responses from you guys have been the absolute best.

{And if you’ve noticed, yes. My best friend E is also pregnant! Don’t think we didn’t plan this out every step of the way because we did. It’s the best.}

Please tune in tomorrow to read my blogging contract and promises to you, my readers, before you all mass unfollow me because I’m pregnant. I know it happens because I’ve done it. Just make sure you read my post tomorrow before you do that. Thanks. Love you all.

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5 thoughts on “The Explanation You’ve All Been Waiting For”

  • 11 years ago

    I don’t even know you know you and I wasn’t surprised that you announced your little one with Coke. Too original! I love it! It’s ok to be scared now and even when your baby is here. It all works out and I love your big leap of faith to go through with it anyways!

  • 11 years ago

    Dang! That coke can idea is THE BEST! Now what the hell am I gonna do to announce it whenever I have a kid because that can’t be topped! Pinterest here I come…

  • 11 years ago

    I love this so much. Cute announcement with the baseball theme and the diet coke cans are the bomb!

  • 11 years ago

    You are the cutest. I love the way you write!

  • […] I got this a lot, due to my previous no-kids position. I’ve already shared my thoughts. […]

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