Ex-Boyfriend Probs

I am currently in the process of transferring all my music and playlists from my dying 80 gig iPod and already dead laptop to Spotify (Premium, snitches). However, there is one song that I have not been able to identify, even 10 years later. It was given to me on a Mix CD by a boy, with no titles or artists listed, which I uploaded to my computer then ditched when it got scratched. I’ve periodically searched for the info and found nothing. Google, Shazam, fasting & praying, rain dances. No luck. My iPod only plays songs sporadically and won’t connect to iTunes, and the backup hard drive where the file is stored isn’t working either. This leaves me only one option…

FB Messaging my ex-boyfriend who made the CD to ascertain the specifics. Yet, I can’t bring myself to do it. Sure, we ended on fine terms, we never REALLY dated that officially and we’re both happily married. But this is still how I see it going down:

“Heyyyyy Bobby(name changed, obvs)! How’s life? I see you’re married now – congrats! I am also married. Not single. Not looking to hit you up. Not looking for anything romantic, no matter how this next part sounds.

Remember that CD of Love Songs you burned me in 9th grade? The one you drew red and purple hearts all over? The one that you brought over on Valentine’s Day with a dozen red roses and your freshly applied chapstick? That CD was pretty awesome, even if I did reject approximately 3 kisses from you. Thanks again. And sorry my dad stood 5 feet behind me the entire time.

There was one song on that CD that I love but I’ve never been able to find anywhere. You know, the one that goes like this

” ‘Cause youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you make me smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiileeeeeeeee, and youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you drive me wildddddddddddddd.”

Please advise. Thank you.

Your 9th grade semi?-girlfriend that is now emailing you at age 24 about a love song.”

Nope. nopenopenope.

Ideally one of you will read those lyrics and identify the song. Otherwise I guess I’m doomed to forever mourn the loss of that song. Or at least until I can access my hard drive.


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