I Find Your Lack Of Spirit Disturbing

It’s Spirit Week here at Sunset Ridge! Not quite the same as your typical high school spirit week, but we try. When I was in high school it was like “Pajama Day!” “Crazy Hair Day!” “Cross-Dress Day!” (hard to believe we actually did that one. Ah the days before political correctedness!)

Yesterday was “Thrift Shop Day.” Thanks, Macklemore. For those of you who don’t know this reference, it’s ok. I had to try to explain it to some of the other teachers and even then I struggled.  I didn’t dress up simply because I didn’t have a fur coat OR a velour jumpsuit OR a broken keyboard. Hell, I didn’t even have $20 in my pocket.

Today, though, I got into it. Hero/Villain Day. It was really hard choosing between my several different Darth Vader shirts, but I decided on the “Who’s Your Daddy?” one. I’ve also been super into the graphic tee/pencil skirt/heels trend but I don’t usually wear graphic tees to school. Win/Win today. Although I have to explain to some kids that Darth Vader and whiny little Anakin are the same person. Ew.

Tomorrow is Nerd Day. The Beard’s comment when I told him? “Oh, cool. So you’ll just dress normally.” Thanks, babe. To amplify my nerdiness, I’m thinking my glasses and my Harry Potter tee. Maybe a calculator watch. We’ll see.

Friday is Sports Day and the Fun Run. Last year I wore one of my BYU shirts and I got MAD HECKLED by 80% of the kids. What the? That’s when I really knew I wasn’t in Kansas (Utah County) anymore. This year I think I’ll go with a more neutral Team USA tee, because although I am a Cougar, my bleeding blue is subject to heckling/arguments/my crazy Ute cousins getting on my case.

Stuff like this makes it so fun to be a teacher. I also dress up for certain lessons – red, white and blue for election days/Constitution Study/War of 1812 (the Star Spangled Banner, duh), my tricorn hat when I gush about George Washington, Boston tee for the Boston Massacre and Tea Party, etc. I’m all about themed dressing up. Check out my Swiss milkmaid braids that I rocked for Swiss Days with my ladies! So much fun.

Am I the only person who likes to dress for events? Not even costumes, just my normal clothes. The Beard is pretty convinced that I’m crazy and he will NEVER outfit-coordinate with me. Years later, you’ll find me dressing my kids to match me. I’m gonna be THAT mom. Yikes. I hate myself already.

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4 thoughts on “I Find Your Lack Of Spirit Disturbing”

  • 12 years ago

    You are such a fun teacher!

  • 12 years ago

    I totally have an adult onsie and wolf hair jacket you could have borrowed.

  • 12 years ago

    Thrift Shop Day! That’s so cool! I love how into it you get – I always loved it seeing my teachers get into it.

  • 12 years ago

    I love this! I am all about dressing up for tings without going crazy. Earlier in the summer I went to a concert with my sis-in-law, and rather than dressing up like a slutty Taylor Swift like every other girl there, I just put on my old belt buckle ad a baseball cap! Love the Darth Vader and braids 🙂

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