My Happiness Project: Week Three

You guys this might be my best week yet. I’m fitter, more energetic, making some good life plans and feeding my brain. Don’t let my tweets about watching tons of episodes of cheesy teen dramas let you think I just sat on the couch last week. I freaking got shiz done.


– Exercise every day and push myself.
— It was hard some days to drag myself off the couch when I had a sleeping puppy in my lap, but I worked out every day but Sunday. Zombies! Run, gym rat lifting, Kickboxing classes, jogging in the park with Glen Coco and yoga – I’m feeling good. You seriously never regret a workout. There’s something about that sweaty, weak, tingly feeling after a tough workout. You want two things

  1. A high-five or pat on that sweaty back
  2. A ton of carbs

– Sleep 8 hours
— Since May I haven’t slept well. I’ve been staying up late, tossing and turning all night, and getting up early. Even in Hawaii the jet lag had me sleeping so weird, then I came home to crazy packing, 5k training, Mitch’s Farewell, Boston, moving and settling in. I tried hard to go to bed at a reasonable hour, do my meditation/breathing exercises before bed and hit at least 8 hours a night.

– Eat Right. I really do feel like a million percent better when I eat tons of fruits and veggies and kick the sugar.
— There was a huge batch of my homemade chocolate chip cookies on the counter all week. I’ll have you know I only ate like 2 of them and didn’t eat a thousand calories worth of bread. And I ate like 8 bags of Steamables veggies. Straight up nutrition over here. 


– Apply for Grad School.
— I did it. I applied. It still makes me a little sick to my stomach to think that I will have homework again. But if I get in, I’ll be able to get a Master’s in under 2 years. Then I can make slightly more than nothing as a teacher.

– Learn more about dog training
— We never got Glen Coco as socialized as he should have been. He LOVES people, especially little kids, but he gets really nervous around people/places/things he isn’t familiar with. And as The Beard puts it “He’s a barky little doosh.” I checked out a few books from the library and read up about it. We’re trying a few new techniques and he’s already less barky and more calm! It’s like I always say – the library can fix anything.

– Figure out Education Plans with The Beard
— This one is still in the works, so hopefully I’ll have some good news to share in the next couple of weeks, but we made some huge progress this week. The Beard went to some meetings and found some really cool programs that we’re interested in. We’re getting all kinds of grown up over here.

This week I’m tackling Finances and Spirituality -Already hitting it hard with my 30 day BOM schedule! Join me if you like! 🙂

My Happiness Project: Overview
My Happiness Project: Week One
My Happiness Project: Week Two

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2 thoughts on “My Happiness Project: Week Three”

  • 12 years ago

    Keep it up! I’m so proud of you!
    Our Fairy Tale

  • 12 years ago

    I’ll be joining you on that Book of Mormon reading schedule soon. That’s so helpful to finish it in less than a year which is, sadly, how long it usually takes me.

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